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No Michael Jackson didn't create You Are Not Alone, it was created by R-Kelly.

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The song was written by R. Kelly, recorded November 1994 and released August 1995.

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No, R. Kelly wrote it for him.

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It is on the HIStory album disc two.

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Q: When did Michael Jackson make You Are Not Alone?
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Why did he Michael Jackson write you are not alone?

Michael did not write You are not alone. He only sang it.

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Most people beleive that Michael did it alone, but he actually sang it with his brothers.

How old was Michael Jackson when he made you are not alone?

Michael Jackson was born in 1958 and he made you are not alone in 1995. So he was approx. 37 years old.

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I wouldn't consider it POP ...but Lisa DID Starr in Michael Jackson's "You are not alone video" Check it out on youtube ;)

What year was Michael Jackson's song You Are Not Alone released?

You Are Not Alone was released in 1995.

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He was alone when he died.

What is the name of the Michael Jackson song played on Michael baisden show?

You are not alone

How many words can you make from the name Michael Jackson?

Nobody will be able to say all of them, but here are a few. The words they make are in capitals: michael jackSON (Son) MichAel jacksoN (Man) miCHaEl jaCKson (Check) michaEl jackSON (Nose) micHaEl jACkson (Ache)

Who is the woman in you are not alone by Michael Jackson?

The woman was Michael's wife Lisa Marie Presley