Manuel Tamayo y Baus was born in 1829.
41 y saludos del Benito bodoque de la santa anita
Leonardo Torres y Quevedo died in 1936.
Lorenzo Batlle y Grau died in 1887.
Marcelo Spinola y Maestre died in 1906.
Manuel Abad y Lasierra died in 1806.
Manuel Abad y Lasierra was born in 1729.
Lillian Estelle Fisher has written: 'Champion of reform, Manuel Abad y Queipo' 'Viceregal administration in the Spanish-American colonies' -- subject(s): Colonies, Administration, America, Spain
Diego José Abad y García died in 1779.
Manuel Y. Ferrer died in 1904.
Manuel Abad has written: 'Manuel y Antonio Machado' -- subject(s): Spanish Poets, Biography 'Monadic symmetric Boolean algebras' -- subject(s): Algebra, Boolean, Boolean Algebra 'On Lukasiewicz homomorphisms' -- subject(s): Homomorphisms (Mathematics), Lukasiewicz algebras
Manuel Semprún y Pombo died in 1929.
Manuel Arce y Ochotorena died in 1948.
Manuel Herrera y Obes died in 1890.
Manuel Aguilar y Bustamante died in 1819.
Manuel Uribe y Troncoso died in 1959.
Manuel Garcia y Rodriguez died in 1925.