Paul James Vasquez died on March 26, 2010, in New York, New York, USA of kidney cancer.
Louis Vasquez was born in 1798.
NFL player Louis Vasquez is 6'-05''.
Louis Vasquez plays Guard for the Denver Broncos.
Louis Vasquez plays for the Denver Broncos.
Louis Vasquez is number 65 on the Denver Broncos.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Louis Vasquez is 27 years old.
NFL player Louis Vasquez played for Texas Tech.
NFL player Louis Vasquez weighs 335 pounds.
Sam Vasquez died in 2007.
Mona Vasquez died in 2011.
Fransisco Vasquez De Coronado died in1544
Conrado M. Vasquez died on 2006-09-19.