Charles Lucien Lambert died in 1896.
leila is a die hard girls aloud fann !!! she is in love with cheryl cole and a certain Mr P :O
Leila Schaus's birth name is Leila Catherine Rosalia Schaus.
Leila Forde is 5' 4 1/2".
Leila Piccard was born in 1971.
Leila's full name is Leila Mitchel Lambert - but Mitchel is her maiden name not her given middle name, and is Adam's middle name. She either was not given a middle name at birth or choses not to use it.
Leila Lambert
From, Leila Mitchel Lambert of California is 53 years old (in 2011) which makes her birth year 1958.
Adam Mitchel Lambert
His Father is Eber Lambert and mother is Leila Lambert. They are divorced & have been for many years, but remain friends.
Leila and Eber Lambert.
Do you mean, "what is Adam Lambert's real name"? Adam Mitchel Lambert.
Leila Lambert
Adam Mitchell Lambert
His middle name is Mitchel.