Princess Alice of Battenberg died on December 5, 1969 at the age of 84.
Lady Alice McDonnell was born in 1964.
Egerton Ryerson was born on 1803-03-24.
There are many different celebrities with the last name Egerton. Some notable celebrities with this last name include George Egerton who is a writer and Tamsin Egerton who is a famous British actress.
Alice T. Schafer died in 2009.
Alice Ormsby-Gore died on 1995-04-17.
Lady Alice Egerton was born in 1923.
Walter Egerton died in 1947.
Egerton Cecil died in 1928.
Alfred Egerton died in 1890.
Henry Egerton died in 1746.
George Egerton died in 1945.
Jack Egerton died in 1998.
Julian Egerton died in 1945.
Algernon Egerton died in 1891.
Elizabeth Egerton died in 1663.
Egerton Hall died in 1919.
Sarah Fyge Egerton died in 1723.