Keith Relf was born on March 22, 1943 and died on May 14, 1976. Keith Relf would have been 33 years old at the time of death or 72 years old today.
Keith Linney died in 1992.
Keith Dancy died in 2001.
Keith Molesworth died in 1966-03.
William Keith of Galston died in 1336.
Keith Hackshall died on 1992-02-21.
Keith Relf was born on March 22, 1943.
Keith Relf was born on March 22, 1943.
How any songs did Keith Relf write between 1971 & 1976
Keith Relf died on May 14, 1976 at the age of 33.
Keith Relf was somewhere between 5'7 and 5'9. He was about average height.
Albert Relf died in 1937.
Bob Relf died on 2007-11-20.
Robert Relf - cricketer - died in 1965.
Keith Relf has: Played himself in "Thank Your Lucky Stars" in 1961. Performed in "Beat-Club" in 1965. Played himself in "A Whole Scene Going" in 1966. Played Himself - The Yardbirds in "Blowup" in 1966. Played himself in "Yardbirds" in 1992. Played himself in "George Harrison: Living in the Material World" in 2011.
Albert Relf was born in 1874.
Robert Relf was born in 1924.
Robert Relf - cricketer - was born in 1883.