Karol Nicze was born on November 18, 1944, in Pabianice, Ldzkie, Poland.
Hungerian Engineer Karl Ereky in 1919
The term "biotechnology" was coined by Hungarian engineer Karl Ereky in 1919 to describe the industrial applications of biological processes for a range of purposes, from food production to pharmaceuticals.
It depends on which source you go to. There are sources which claim it was George Washington Carver, Louis Pasteur, Karl Ereky, Normon Borlaug, and Dr. Jerry Caulder. Take your pick.
Paul Berg is often credited as the father of modern biotechnology for his pioneering work in recombinant DNA technology. His research laid the foundation for modern genetic engineering techniques and the development of biotechnological applications.
Karl Schönböck died in 2001.
Karl Hillebrand died in 1884.
Karl Hulten died in 1945.
Karl Bovin died in 1985.
Karl Lehrs died in 1878.
Karl Hovelsen died in 1955.
Karl Toman died in 1950.