Joyce Brothers died on May 13, 2013, in Fort Lee, New Jersey, USA of respiratory failure.
Dr. Joyce Brothers was 85 years old when she died on May 13, 2013. (birthdate: October 20, 1927)
Dr. Joyce Brothers
Joyce Elaine Roop died in 1995.
No, as of February 2012, Joyce Meyer is still alive.
Sister Joyce M Woollard died in 1997.
Joyce Brothers is 5' 0".
Joyce Brothers's birth name is Joyce Diane Bauer.
Joyce Brothers was born on October 20, 1927.
Joyce Brothers was born on October 20, 1927.
Dr. Joyce Brothers was 5 feet tall.
The cast of Living Easy with Dr. Joyce Brothers - 1973 includes: Lucie Arnaz as herself Joyce Brothers as herself Joyce Brothers as Herself - Hostess Maurice Hines as himself Patrick Macnee as Himself - Cohost Barry Nelson as himself Gloria Swanson as herself
Biography - 1987 Dr- Joyce Brothers was released on: USA: 5 February 1999
Dr. Joyce Brothers was 85 years old when she died on May 13, 2013. (birthdate: October 20, 1927)
Joyce McDougall died in 2011.
Joyce Grant died in 2006.
Lucia Joyce died in 1982.
Joyce Hatto died in 2006.