Ellen Janov died on January 7, 1976, in Los Angeles County, California, USA of fire.
Ellen Janov was born on April 22, 1953, in California, USA.
Arthur Janov was born in 1924.
Janov krik was created in 1985.
The population of Janov - Děčín District - is 263.
The area of Janov - Svitavy District - is 24.71 square kilometers.
Janov - Svitavy District -'s population is 820.
The area of Janov - Děčín District - is 4,650,000.0 square meters.
ellen who?rakin
Ellen Dougherty died in 1919.
Ellen Ammann died in 1932.
Ellen Smyly died in 1901.