Dick Shawn died on April 17, 1987, in San Diego, California, USA of heart attack.
Dick Shawn was born on December 1, 1923, in Buffalo, New York, USA.
Dick Shawn's birth name is Schulefand, Richard.
No, Shawn Killinger's husband Joe did not die.
Dick-a-Dick died in 1870.
The voice of Snow Miser is Dick Shawn in the Rankin/Bass animated special "The Year Without a Santa Claus."
Shawn michaels father name is Richard Hickenbottom. But people who name is Richard is call Dick.
Shawn Mackay died on 2009-04-06.
Shawn McGrath died on 2011-01-26.
Shawn Lonsdale died on 2008-02-16.
Shawn Mortensen died on April 15, 2009.
Shawn Paul Humphries was born in 1971.
No, he is alive.