Daniel Patrick Moynihan went by Pat.
Bobby Moynihan was born on January 31, 1977.
Nope, Bridget and Bobby Moynihan are not related. Just because they share the same last name doesn't mean they're automatically family. It's like saying every Smith in the world is related to Will Smith. Nope, doesn't work that way.
Daniel Ozmo died in 1942.
Daniel Elfrith died in 1641.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan is 6' 5".
Daniel Patrick Moynihan went by Pat.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was born on March 16, 1927.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was born on March 16, 1927.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan died on March 26, 2003 at the age of 76.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was born on March 16, 1927 and died on March 26, 2003. Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 88 years old today.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Moynihan may refer to different things depending on the context. It could refer to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a prominent American politician and sociologist, or it could refer to Moynihan Station, a transportation hub in New York City named after him. Please provide more context for a more specific explanation.
Joseph Patrick Moynihan was born on May 10, 1962, in Belleville, Illinois, USA.
Patrick Daniel Norton died on 1953-10-14.
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Daniel Patrick Moynihan were the Senators for New York in 2000. They were both members of the Democrat party.
Maurice Moynihan died in 1999.