Chuck Bodak died in 2009.
Chuck Matthei died in 2002.
Chuck Traynor's birth name is Charles Everett Traynor.
Chuck Connors son, Kevin did not die in a a car accident. That is the wrong Kevin Connors. Chuck's son died of health issues. This is from a reliable source, his brother, Steve Connors.
Leonard D. Heaton died in 1983.
Chuck Menville's birth name is Charles David Menville.
Chuck Menville was born on April 17, 1940, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
The population of Menville is 500.
Scott Menville's birth name is Scott David Menville.
The cast of Captain Mom - 1972 includes: Mercy Bryan Chuck Menville as Captain Mom
The area of Menville is 5,070,000.0 square meters.
Scott Menville is 6' 0".
Scott Menville goes by Scotty.
Scott Menville was born on February 12, 1971.
Scott Menville was born on February 12, 1971.
Chuck Menville has: Performed in "Stop Look and Listen" in 1967. Played Leader of the Mild Ones in "Vicious Cycles" in 1967. Played Blaze Glory in "Blaze Glory" in 1969. Performed in "The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie" in 1972. Played Captain Mom in "Captain Mom" in 1972. Played Sgt. Swell in "Sgt. Swell of the Mounties" in 1972.
Scott Menville is 46 years old (birthdate: February 12, 1971).