Christopher Logue died on December 2, 2011, in London, England, UK.
Christopher Logue's birth name is John Christopher Logue.
It's Christopher Logue, and yes he's still alive. Still performing but not as often as when they were young.
Christopher Logue and Pat Mc Cool are a well known country music duo from Co, Derry, Ireland. The duo have a very relaxed style that is easy on the ear. Christopher Logue is blind and has been for a good part of his life, due to cancer which had started behind the left eye and had spread on to the right and got the cancer removed at 2 years old and Pat Mc Cool is permanently in a wheelchair due to suffering poliomyelitis at a young age but this doesn't stop them producing those rich tones and brilliant harmony with Christopher usually playing guitar as well.
Amanda Logue is 5' 6".
Amanda Logue was born on January 2, 1982, in Albany, Georgia, USA.
Christopher Logue's birth name is John Christopher Logue.
Christopher Logue went by Greatest War Poet in England.
christopher logue
Christopher Logue was born on November 23, 1926, in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK.
It's Christopher Logue, and yes he's still alive. Still performing but not as often as when they were young.
Frank Logue died in 2010.
Edward J. Logue died in 2000.
James Washington Logue died in 1925.
Michael Logue died on 1924-11-19.
Charles Logue died on August 2, 1938, in Venice, California, USA.
The cast of The Writer. - 2011 includes: Nicholas Andrejco as Theodore Logue Dennis McGeady as The Writer Bart Shatto as Warren Christopher Logue
Spain Logue died on December 3, 2007, in Dallas, Texas, USA of complications from AIDS.