Maurice Huggett died in 2011.
David Huggett was born on November 15, 1942, in Yorkshire, England, UK.
Catherine Mandeville Snow died in 1834.
Emma Catherine Embury died in 1863.
Catherine Cookson died on 1998-06-11.
Catherine Huggett was born on 1970-05-06.
Maurice Huggett died in 2011.
Rachel Huggett's birth name is Jani Huggett.
Sandra Huggett's birth name is Sandra Jane Huggett.
Maurice Huggett was born in 1945.
Richard Huggett happened in 1997.
Monica Huggett was born in 1953.
Vote for Huggett was created in 1949.
Sandra Huggett is 5' 6".
Rachel Huggett goes by Didi.
The duration of Vote for Huggett is 1.4 hours.
David Huggett has written: 'Gran, the maledictions'