Brandon deWilde married to Susan M. Maw from 1963 to 1969 Yes, Brandon deWilde married to Janice Gero in 1972
He was married in Brandon,Manitoba.
No. He has been married to his wife Wendy Mull, a singer, since 1982.
Yes he is married to courtney ford
Yes, she was married in December 2007 to Brandon Clark a personal injury lawyer from Long Island, NY.
Yes, he is married. His wife is named Mary and he has four children.
Brandon Mull's parents' names are David and Emily Mull.
There are 5 Fablehaven books by Brandon Mull.
Some of the books Brandon Mull has written is the FableHaven series.
Brandon Mull currently lives in Utah, USA.
Brandon mull was born on December 18th 2007
US author Brandon Mull is 43 years old (born November 8, 1974).
Brandon Mull started writing in his early thirties. His debut novel, "Fablehaven," was published in 2006.
Brandon Mull