Jaime Correa's birth name is Jaime Albeiro Correa.
Carlos Cotto was born on 1980-02-13.
Antonio Vellani died in 1989.
Antonio Pelle died in 2009.
Antonio del Duca died in 1564.
Antonio Correa Cotto was born in 1926.
Antonio de los Reyes Correa died on 1758-06-09.
Antonio de los Reyes Correa was born in 1665.
Edwin Adams Cotto died in 2005.
Juan Correa died in 1716.
Julio Correa died on 1953-07-14.
Guillermo Gaviria Correa died in 2003.
Mathias F. Correa died in 1963.
Enrique Gómez Correa died in 1995.
Mickey Correa died on September 22, 2011, in India.
Miguel Cotto got what he wanted, a super cool strong win vs Antonio Margarito. Margarito's right eye was targeted by Cotto as he hit it with such precision until it has no more sight. Cotto never stopped pounding his opponent as he magnificently stood on his feet with aggressiveness.
Juan Correa de Vivar died in 1566.