There are multiple famous people known as Albert Bierstadt.
Albert Bierstadt died on February 19, 1902.
Albert Bierstadt died on February 19, 1902.
Albert Bierstadt was born on January 8, 1830.
Albert Bierstadt was born on January 8, 1830.
There are multiple famous people known as Albert Bierstadt.Albert Bierstadt died at the age of 72 on February 19, 1902.Albert Bierstadt died at the age of 72 on February 19, 1902.
The Rocky Mountains, made by Albert Bierstadt, is 18th century realism.
He use the style luminisum.
the Birmingham museum of art
Thomas Moran and Albert Bierstadt painted American scenery and preferred American art over European art. They began painting the beautiful Rocky Mountain Range illustrating a theme of nationalism.
Bierstadt's population is 12,304.
There are multiple famous people known as Albert Bierstadt.Albert Bierstadt was born on January 7, 1830 and died on February 19, 1902. This would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 180 years old today.Albert Bierstadt was born on January 8, 1830 and died on February 19, 1902. This would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 180 years old today.
The most famous painter of Yosemite during this period was Albert Bierstadt.
Albert Beirstadt was a German-American painter. Albert was born on January 7, 1830 and passed away on February 18, 1902. He was best known for his landscapes sweeping of the American West.