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Q: When chris goes to the local grocery store the majority of the products are available in only one brand. Chris most likely lives in a country with which type of economy?
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It's niether the majority of its economy is now in the tertiary sector

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all the money available in an economy

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all the money available in an economy

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all the money available in an economy

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Purchase products made in the country you are trying to help. As more items produced in a particular country get purchased facilities can hire more employees and give more hours to existing workforce, spurring the economy.

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the economy of saudi arabia is very nice, because this country are rich in many establishment, their country can provide the good quality of many products exactly the petroleum business.

Is moldova a fertile country?

It is a very productive agricultural region; agricultural products are a major part of the Moldovan economy.

IS INDIA a free economy planned economy or mixed economy?

India has a mixed economy in that there is private property and companies that produce products for the benefit of profit. There are many business regulations in India, this combined with the above places India as a mixed economy country.

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Italy's economy is a market economy

Why does Australia trade with China?

Because each country has products that the other wants and trading creates jobs and is good for the Australian economy.