Harry: Feb. 1, 1994
Louis: Dec. 24, 1991
Zayn: Jan. 12, 1993
Liam: Aug. 29, 1993
Niall: Sep. 13, 1993
Yes but Liam and Louis are not.
Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry - that's oldest to youngest in One Direction.
Harry: Green Louis: Blue Niall: Orange, White, Green (Irish Flag) Zayn: Yellow Liam: Red
Louis Tomlinson Harry Styles Niall Horan Liam Payne Zayn Malik
5 Zayn Malik Niall Horan Harry Styles Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson
Obviously it's Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn :) x
Nialls is green Louis is red Zayns red Harry orange and Liam's is purple
Harry styles 16, Niall Horan 17 , Liam Payne 17, Zayn Malik 17 and Louis Tomlinson 18.Harry Styles is the youngest, then Niall Horan, then Liam Payne, the Zayn Malik and the eldest is Louis Tomlinson.Harry's birthday is the 1st of February,Niall's birthday is the 13th of September,Liam's birthday is the 29th of August,Zayn's birthday is the 12th of January,Louis's birthday is Christmas eve.
Lilo - Louis and Liam Niam - Niall and Liam Lirry - Harry and Liam Ziam - Louis and Zayn Nouis - Niall and Louis Larry Stylinson - Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson Zouis - Zayn and Louis Narry - Niall and Harry Zarry - Zayn and Harry Ziall - Zayn and Niall
harry-yellowzayn-greenliam-redlouis-pinkniall-green^^ Wrong!harry- OrangeZayn- BlueLiam- PurpleLouis- redNiall- Green :)^^Wrong!:PNiall:Blue(:^^^^WRONG NIALL: GREENyep nialls favourite colour is greennope nialls favourite colour is blue xxx ( i love him so much ) :)
let me just say niall is cute niall harry louis liam zayn
Harry Style has his birthday on the 29th of August while Liam Paynes has his birthday on the 12th of January.
Niall is from Mullingar, Ireland Louis is from Doncaster, England Zayn is from Bradford, England Harry is from Cheshire, England and Liam is from Wolverhampton, England
Louis is 5.9 Harry is 5.10 Liam is 5.10 Niall is 5.7 Zayn is 5.9 Just about. Don't listen to that rubbish about them being 5.4 through 5.7. Nialls the shortest and Harry and Liam are the tallest
Louis: 21 Liam: 19 Niall: 19 Harry: 18 Zayn: 20
Louis - red Niall - green Harry - pink Zayn - blue Liam - purple