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Because she wanted to at 300

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Q: When and why did Charlotte lie to her parents and to her servants?
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How did Charlotte parkhurst's parents die?

Their horses got scared and smashed into tree limbs and it overturned on a rocky ledge. Charlotte was thrown free and landed on a nice bed of tall leaves but her parents had died instantly. Charlotte was two when her parents died.

Were children in the Victorian Era able to have servants?

Yes, wealthy families in the Victorian Era often employed servants who would assist with housekeeping, cooking, and childcare. Children from affluent families would have servants to attend to their needs and care for them.

Who were Charlotte Parkhurst's parents?

Charlotte "Charley" Parkhurst was born in Sharon VT in 1812. Her parents were Ebenezer Parkhurst and Mary Morehouse Parkhurst. Charlotte passed as a man for more than 30 years as a stagecoach driver.

Why do parents lie to you?

Mainly to protect you.

What is the dumbest thing you ever did?

Lie to my parents.

How do you get the respect of your friends parents?

Do not lie to them. Be nice.

Why did charlotte lie about who gave her the dirk?

She wanted to protect Zachariah, and she also did not fully trust the captain.

Why do kids lie to their parents?

so the parents would not know what or how they did the thing that they really did.

How do i make a YouTube without my parents knowing?

ok...what u need 2 do is make an account with a fake name, whenever u get on, delete the history when u r done, and never, i repeat NEVER, get on when ur parents r home!!!!hope i helped!!! :)LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE!!!!

How do you know if your parents know a lie you told?

Parents watch your actions very closely.

Are parents right when they say santa is real?

Parents lie when they say "Santa is real"

When you lie to a King in biblical times?

The servants who lied to the king of Babylon in the times of Profet Daniel, were thrown in the lions pit.