"What dose resected mean?" "What dose resected mean?"
In valvulotomy, the leaflets of the valves are surgically separated, or partially resected, with an incision to increase the size of the valve opening.
In valvulotomy, the leaflets of the valves are surgically separated, or partially resected, with an incision to increase the size of the valve opening.
is a colon resection recommended for sessile -flat polyp
Miles surgery is performed primarily for rectal cancer or even anal carcinoma. especially rectal cancer of late stage or the one's located closer to the anus would .In this procedure the rectum and anus is resected, and a colostomy would act as a false anal opening.
A biliopancreatic diversion is an operation in which part of the stomach is resected, creating a smaller stomach to which the distal part of the small intestine is then connected bypassing the duodenum and jejenum.
used to treat rectal prolapse. During the Altemeier procedure.the prolapsed portion of the rectum is resected (removed) and the cut ends reattached. The weakened structures supporting the rectum may be stitched into their anatomical position.
Grigori Rasputin. However, he was not evil like he was in the Animated movie, "Anastasia". In fact, he loved the Romanov family, and they all loved and resected him.