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Q: When 1 year old Amanda feels hungry she begins to cry She is in Piaget's stage?
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What if you have never felt what it feels like to be truly hungry?

You would die if you were truly hungry.

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What happens in season 3 of the latest buzz?

i think that noah and rebecca will stay together and wilder will tell Amanda how he feels about her and Amanda will tell wilder how she feels about him and wilder and ananda will kiss and that will be the end of the latest buzz cause noah and rebcca will be together and so will wilder and Amanda does that anwers your Q FROM GEMMA CAFFREY

When your hungry your body does what?

Your stomach will grumble cause it has nothing to digest if ur body feels like it is hungry but you do not want to take in extra calories eat ice

When and where do pandas eat?

When: Anytime the panda is hungry. Where: Where ever the panda feels safe and there is bamboo to eat off of.

How an insect feels when it is nervous crossword?

The crossword puzzle clue, "How an insect feels when it is nervous," is sometimes a five letter word that begins with an a. Antsy would be the answer for this clue.

My dog will retrieve her ball most of the time but many times she will just stand on the sidewalk and stare at it and wont retrieve it?

it would not get the ball sometimes because it feels tired and hungry or feels it is not been send the right way

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What does it mean when it feels like something is inside my stomach but im not sexually active?

maybe you're getting your period could be hungry could have a tumor

Where is the best place to go on holiday with an imaginary friend?

Hungary, because the people there are always hungry. the imaginary friend feels at home because it is always hungry because no one knows its there therefore it doesn't get fed. and hungary is it favourite place in the world!

What does it mean when a baby duck opens it mouth over and over again?

it means that maybe its hungry or cold.also if you get got it it may mean that it feels loney and its scarrred .

When Amanda sees mars bars with maniac and her torn book why is she so upset?

Amanda is upset because the sight of Mars bars triggers memories of the fire escape incident with Maniac, which caused her physical discomfort and embarrassment. The torn book represents a disruption in her routine and symbolizes the loss of control she feels in her life. These events together are overwhelming for Amanda and intensify her emotional response.