Judy Reed's birthday is not known, she was born some time in 1826
Albert Reed was born on March 6, 1985.
i don't know her but i guess 42.maybe if i see her i can guess better
Judy Carne is 5' 3".
October 10, 1915 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rosalie-HaleNikki-Reed/47540827172
Sully Reed goes by Sully Reed.
When did Judy Reed die
Judy W Reed was a slave in 1789
Judy W. Reed was the first African-American woman to receive a patent in 1884
Judy W. Reed is the first African-American woman awarded a US patent, January 1884 for her dough kneeding and rolling machine.
Judy Star was born on April 8, 1982.
Judy Malloy was born on January 9, 1942.
Judy Johnson was born on October 26, 1899.
Judy Blume was born on February 12, 1938.
Judy Tenuta was born on November 7, 1949.
Judy Blume was born February 12, 1938
Judy Holliday was born on June 21, 1921.
Judy Stone was born on January 1, 1942.