Benjamin Loring Young was born in 1885.
Young Jessie was born on 1936-12-28.
Nat Young - surfer - was born in 1947.
Aretas William Young was born in 1778.
Murdo Young McLean was born in 1848.
Henri young and regan young were born in the year 1999.
Brigham Young's birthday is every year, on June 1. He was born in 1801.
young plover attact by butcher bird
The young Kendall Scmidt was born November 2,1991.
Lions do not mate at any specific time of year. The young can be born anytime during the year.
both of Loretta Youngs parents were born in 1889
HE WAS BORN IN 1953. He is 61 Years Old.
she is 18 years old so 1993 or 1992
Foxes generally breed in the winter and the young are born in the spring.
The actor Sasha Alexander starting acting at a very young age. She was also in a pop music group and that lasted a year. She was born in 1975 in California.