Sound began to be attached to motion pictures in the middle 1920s and synchronized sound started in the late 1920s.
Walt Disney's Cinderella was released in 1950.
The game came out first, late in the year 2000. The movie came out after 3 remakes of the game, late in the year 2007.
the year the first alien vs predator film came out in 2004 .
The first is wolf brother and will be out this year or next 2010-2011 The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness is going to be making its first movie (Wolf Brother) next year and I hope that anyone that loves CAD (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness) fans will love this first ever Wolf Brother movie!
The movie Child's Play (aka Chucky) was made in 1988.
The Movie machine was invented in 1893.
what year was the first invented processor
what year was the first invented processor
Raja Harishchandra was the first Indian movie. It released in 1913 year. However first sound movie was not this. It was produced in 1931.
981 b.C.
what year was the first billy car invented
Airplanes were first invented in 1903.
1115 is when the first gun was invented
The first Plastic to be invented was CELLULOID in 1868
the first cart was invented in about 300 b.c
There was no such thing as an album during Beethoven's lifetime, as the technology to record sound hadn't been invented yet.