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The tv series first came out in 1970.

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Q: What year did the Charlie's Angel come out?
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Kris had a ford cobra

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It was published in 2005

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Umm..........look it up on google.

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Hi ya....Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu

What year did Dark Angel come on t.v?

First season started in 2000

Which Charlies angel was the oldest?

At the moment Diaz is 36, Barrymore is 34, and finally Liu is 40. So Lusy Liu is the oldest at the age of 40.

When did Charleston Charlies end?

Charleston Charlies ended in 1983.

When was Come Live with Me Angel created?

Come Live with Me Angel was created in 1976.

What year did the song earth angel come out?

The song was written by The Penguins in 1954.

What movies feature Sarah McLachlan's 'Angel'?

About An Angel Who Falls In Love: - City of Angels (1998) - Angel In Love (2005) &... - Angel Falls In Love (2011) NOT WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR: - Angels Love Donuts (2010) is about an Angel of Death. - Love Angels (1974) is about Italian prostitutes.