You just cut the hair like any other person. If you were trying to ask why it's because they were going out of style and his was getting too big and u can just cut part of an afro off.
One View: Yes, My family knew Billy Bray, and his sister, Mildred,and brother Guy for over 40 years. When we ran into Bray in Los Angeles he always spoke very highly of Michael Jackson. He told me how smart Michael Jackson is,etc because Michael always seemed very shy so people had misconceptions of him. When anyone has a good career working for someone like MJ, its up to them to save their money so when they retire they can live comfortable. Michael Jackson paid for some of Bill bray's medical expenses until he died. It might have been tough for Michael to visit him due to his own problems that He was dealing with. After Bray stopped working for MJ it was told that they had a falling out and they never saw each other again. I never asked, or heard anything from Bray's family I just assumed that Bray Retired. Billy Bray was very loyal to MR Jackson I do know that. MJ was a super,great talent.But MJ made some poor self distructive choices by travelling to Monte Carlo with young boy J. Chandler. After paying the Chandler family Milllions of $$$$$$$ He should have stopped having the sleep overs with Boys. Michael did have a prescription drug problem and the last trial took its toll on him. I don't believe that he was guilty of any wrong doing and glad that he was aqquitted. Mj had to feel terrible after the Bashir interview which MJ seemed under the influence of medication,and many believe was set up by inside enablers to MJ.For MJ to say what he did about the sleep overs with Young boys he had to be under something. I don't think Mj recovered from the Trial, Money troubles,etc. Their were people around him who took advantage. and there were alot of people banking on the fact that he would be worth more dead then alive. FOLLOW THE MONEY! All these people didn't care about MJ. From AEG,Kenny Ortega/Travis Payne who knew he was not up to the shows in London. He agreed to 10 shows but because the shows sold out they added 40 more shows. On their website for the MJ 02 London shows they are still trying to sell MJ merchadise. And these so called MJ tribute shows are just so they can recoup their money. Look what happen to Brittney Spears. Her handlers were keeping her on drugs and distant from her family until her family stepped in and did something in court to save her. Michael Jackson cared, and gave so much, and he has fans around the world. I hope he's a angel in heaven and knows that he is truly loved. Another View: Just to add on to the above answer -- it's widely been reported that Bill Bray and Michael had a "falling out" -- the subject of which has remained a mystery - in the mid 90s, and that Michael never saw Bill again. It seems to be true that they never saw each other for the last decade fo Bill's life (from 1995 - 2005), but the exact reason why is unclear. Some theorize that Bray may have had a confrontation with Jackson over the 1993 molestation charge (during which time he stood by Michael) or over MJ's drug use during that time. Michael did have a reputation for dropping people suddenly from his life - even loyal people who'd worked with him for years. He did it to his longtime manager Frank Dileo, he did it to his longtime lawyer John Branca, and he did it to his longtime publicist Bob Jones. MJ only recently re-hired Dileo and Branca a few years before his death. In all of these cases, the men received no explanation - only a written notice of dismissal that was not even delivered to them by MJ. The theory seems to be that if Bill Bray suggested to Michael that he might need more help for his drug use or he'd be better off not inviting more boys to sleepover at Neverland after the Chandler suit was settled, that it's possible MJ took such offense that he got rid of Bill abruptly just like he did some of the others. In the last decade of his life especially, MJ liked to surround himself with "YES" people, so anyone who might have tried to tell him "NO" (like Bray possibly did for Michael's own protection) would be out on their ear. From all accounts, Bill Bray did remain on Michael's payroll for the remainder of his life, even though Michael never contacted him. Some might consider that "loyalty" I guess, but what Bill really wanted (apparently) was to just see Michael one more time. Bray never spoke one negative word about Michael in the press, he never wrote a book about his 25 years with Michael, and until the day he died he maintained that he "didn't want to say anything that might hurt Mike." It's pretty clear that Bill Bray loved Michael like a son. He knew him since he was 11 or 12 and often literally carried little Michael offstage away from screaming fans. I guess it's important to remember that Bill was around 70 when he stopped working for Michael, so it's certainly possible that he just decided to retire, as 70 is pretty old to be working in the kind of security capacity that you'd need to be with Michael Jackson. Still, a simple retirement would not explain why the two of them never saw each other ever again after all those years together. Michael did issue a public statement when Bray died in 2005 saying that he was saddened by the death and that Bill would always have a special place in his heart. Sources behind the scenes said that when told of Bray's death, Michael became "hysterical". This seems a bit strange since Bray was in declining health for years and Michael MUST have known about it. Maybe the guilt that he never tried to contact Bray just overwhelmed Michael in that moment? With both Bill Bray AND Michael now gone, it's possible that someone in the know will put out the real story of what happened between them. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Going back to the original question, I'd say that Bill Bray was extremely loyal to Michael (maybe THE most loyal person Michael EVER had in his life besides his mother), but that Michael could have done better by Bill in the end.
no they not getting rid of tulisa
In 1994, dermatologist Arnold Klein presented legal documents and testified that in 1984, Michael Jackson was diagnosed with a skin disorder called 'vitiligo'. Mike has been suffering from this disorder for over 30 years, which started to take effect when he was a young adult. It is a genetic disorder, though can be triggered by stress, in which the immune system begins to attack the part of cells which produce melanin, or color. The result of the destroyed pigmentation are dark and light areas, or patches, found on the surface of the skin. Michael has been hiding this disorder for years, wearing thick, pancake makeup, and when the condition worsened further, he had to resort to using umbrellas to protect himself from the sun due to having no pigment, as the sun will destroy his skin and he could have suffered from serious pain. Michael always wore sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sun and is sensitive to intense light. The glittering white glove he famously wore was not intentionally a fashion item, but was in fact a method he used to cover his discoloured hand as that is where vitiligo normally starts. It is also noticeable that Michael eventually ceased wearing short sleeved garments in public and on stage, unless his body was fully covered with makeup to hide the blotches on his skin. Michael was very conscious of his appearence. Sometimes, during his live performances as early as the around the off the wall era, when his makeup would run as he sweats, the patches could be seen. Here's an image which shows its affects on Michael: http://img522.imageshack.usimg5226376vitiligo3tk3.jpg http://img152.imageshack.usimg1523065vit1gw8.jpg This picture was taken on the set of his 'They really don't care about us' music video shot in Brazil, before Michael had his makeup job done. Look closely at his arms and stomach. A closeup of Michael Jackson's hands. Notice the discoloured patches. Michael without makeup. His vitiligo at it's later stage, the patching his very apprent here. Michael as a teen, notice the skin already lightening around his left eye. The patches can vary in size, shape, and can enlarge themselves or shrink. They continue to grow until a quindecent stage is reached and the skin has no more pigment. Many patients resort to depigmentation, which is perhaps what Michael did to get rid of the patches on his face, however, it is known that to this day, Michael still spots on his arms and legs as seen in pictures of him attending the court case in 2005. Most vitiligo patients also opt for a process whereby they can get their pigment back by exposure to UV rays. Many people question as to why Michael never tried to do this, but the reason is because it only works for some patients, and cannot be given to those who suffer more than 50% on their bodies. Vitiligo was already on 50% of his body by the end of the 80s, and this type of treatment never existed when it seriously effected his skin, so by the time the treatment came around, there was no such hope for Michael. Perhaps he also believed in letting nature take it's course. Vitiligo has dramatic psychological effects on its victims, and they feel embarrassed which is perhaps why Michael wanted to hide it for so many years. His first public statement that he is indeed a victim was during his interview with Oprah Winfrey in 1992, which was a time when not many people were familiar with the disease. Michael stated that he inherited it from his father's side and it is also said that his sister, Rebbie Jackson, carries the dormant gene. The media claim he bleached his skin, however, this is not the case. I recommend you research into this disease, there is lots of proof that Michael is a victim. Hope all this information helps you. :)
The value of a wooden Rid-Jid ironing board will vary with the condition and the "market" for this item. (Does it come with its original cover?) It may sell for $20-25 or for $70-80, depending on what shape it's in and who is bidding or shopping for one. There are individuals with forty- or fifty-year old Rid-Jid ironing boards that still use them, though these folks have to fabricate their own replacement covers because the older boards are not "standard" size.
Dr- Phil - 2002 Get Rid of It was released on: USA: 30 January 2008
By getting haircuts and getting rid of their Afros, resulting in them becoming regular "Americans" rather than "Afro-Americans"
Andrew Jackson got rid of the 2nd National Bank.
Andrew Jackson just wanted to get rid of the Indians he didn't really care about them.
Jackson greatly opposed the Second Bank of the US, and sought to get rid of it.
There is a party in the UK called the British Naionalist party and the want to get rid of all Afro-carabiens (British for black people) but they are a third party
He was maared on the side. But a really good polish can get rid of it.
yes you can. It takes a year or more to completely get rid of it.
Pop it
No one. They were never mentioned. They got rid of so many characters.
Look at the answer for the ten year-old with pimples.
Get rid of last years bad year and have a "Happy New Year" !
The battle over national bank happened when president Jackson wanted to get rid of the national bank