There was probably more than one at some point in history. If you're talking about the WWE wrestler who is believed to have done that in recent memory, you might be thinking of Chris Benoit.
No. Professional Wrestlers dont kill one another. There have been many matches where the undertaker has put another wrestler in a casket but that does not mean he has killed them.
Kurt Cobain shot himself on April 5th, 1994.
i think it is either ric flair, mr McMahon himself or randy savage or even Shane McMahon..
No, he had an uncle named ronnie who killed himself
Lobo - wrestler - was born in 1975.
Chris Benoit killed himself and his wife and son.
The cast of The Backyard - 2002 includes: Chaos as himself Scar as himself Heartless as himself Bongo as Wrestler Sic as Wrestler Nympho as Wrestler The Lizard as himself The Retarded Butcher as Wrestler Rob Van Dam as himself
Daniel Benoit was killed on June 22, 2007, by his father, famous wrestler, Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit also killed his wife, and himself.
Poopy diapers!
Hitler killed his family and then himself.
Kevin Sullivan was a wrestler who is believed to have killed Benoit and his family over a dispute regarding Sullivan's wife. There is not solid evidence.
Hitler didnt have a family he got married and killed himself and his wife the same day.
There were many men on the execution crew who killed the Romanovs. Takov Yurovsky was is charge of the execution and killed some of the family members himself.
Quan Chi disguised himself as Sub-zero and killed his family. Then he brought Scorpion back to life and made him think Sub-zero killed his family so that Scorpion could kill Sub-zero.
No Hitler killed himself and his family when the Russians enterd Berlin
No, he killed himself on that day.
Through his family. His dad was a wrestler as was his mom