Obviously the Frog because of the agileness and tinyness of the Frog. The anaconda would have no idea where the frog was and be very very baffled.
An alligator, a jellyfish's worst defense is to shock. An alligator is larger in size, and has huge chompers.
It depends on the scenario and species involved. In a fight on land, the leopard would kill any anaconda species by biting off its head. If a fight happened in water, a green anaconda would win due to size and strength. A yellow anaconda would lose as it is much thinner and weaker than the green anaconda.
A piranha won't survive against a yellow anaconda or green anaconda. It doesn't have the size and jaw size to do damage to the anaconda. Against a yellow anaconda, you would need at least 10 piranhas to win. Against a green anaconda, you would need at least 50 piranhas to win.
Wolf, but if it gets bitten, both will die. Tie.
in animal face off the anaconda won but on land the jaguar may win, in the Disney film jungle cat, the jaguar kills the anaconda, however, they said on wikipedia that they were abusing the animals by drugging them so the jaguar could win, if the anaconda was healthy, the jaguar would have been lunch!
It depends who strikes the first blow. While the alligator invariably has the stronger bite - and could sever the snake in two, the venom of the Diamondback Rattlesnake is extremely toxic.
The Python. Python has no chance. Python is way smaller then the Annoconda and it has a snout instead of a mouth which doesn't let it opens its mouth as big as the Annoconda. Annoconda wins in every category. Bigger, Stronger, No Snout.
The anaconda already got a 25 kill streak against others, so now the anaconda has a Tactical Nuke. The anaconda would win.
well if this Anaconda was just born a lizard would when but if the Anaconda was about 6 or 7 weeks old the Anaconda would beat the lizard
it depends if the jaguar is large and muscular and strong it would win but if the anaconda was over100kg it would win.
T rex
anaconda will win
It depends how strong of each animal is. For example, one alligator might be stronger than an anaconda or an anaconda might be stronger than an alligator. It really depends on the specific alligator or anaconda you are talking about. Each and every alligator/anaconda is unique and different, just like us.Another AnswerIn a fair fight, the alligator would win because of its hard skin and jaws that would crush the anaconda to death.
i would say the tiger, because it could jus like step on the rattlesnake nd then the rattlesnake would be dead, but then again, the rattlesnake could like bite the tiger nd inject venom, nd then the tiger is doomed.
It depends on how big the anaconda or crocodile is. A nile river crocodile fighting a black anaconda will win easily by crunching it to death. A giant green anaconda fighting an Indus crocodile will win by crushing its body to death.
An alligator, a jellyfish's worst defense is to shock. An alligator is larger in size, and has huge chompers.