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It is tarter sauce

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Q: What word does spongebob and his friends in bikini botton use a lot tartersauce mayonnaise or ketchup?
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Which is healthier for you ketchup or ranch dressing?


Why relish today when you can ketchup tomorrow?

Because you mayonnaise as well!

What is a good condiment that you can put in your belly button?

ketchup or mayonnaise

What sauce does ketchup and mayonnaise make?

Ketchup and Mayonaise makes thousand island sauce (otherwise known as prawn cocktail sauce)

Which sells more salsa or ketchup in the us?

what sells more in the us ketchup or salsa? Ketchup! :-)

How did SpongeBob and Patrick get bad breath?

When they ate Spongebobs Plant With Ketchup

What do dutch people put on french fries?

In Amsterdam, as in the rest of the Netherlands and also in Belgium, most people put mayonnaise on their french fries.

What are the ingredients for Spongebob's Sunday Sunday?

ketchup ,onions and a peanut plant (soil)

When ordering a hamburger name something you would ask for extra of?

mayonnaise, pickles, cheese, lettuce, ketchup

In pulp fiction Vincent said dutch people put what on their french fries?

mayonnaise instead of ketchup

What ingredients make vomit?

ketchup mustard mayonnaise and just try to stick your finger doesn't your thought

How do you make Sandra lee's creamy ketchup?

In a small bowl, mix together 1/4 cup ketchup, 1/4 cup sour cream and 1 tablespoon mayonnaise.