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Frederik Thompson

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12y ago

government can regulate private business in the public interest

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establishment of the interstate commerce commission

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Jesse James

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The power of the railroads was curtailed

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Q: What were the results of the granger laws?
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What did the supreme court case of Munn v Illinois decided on?

The Granger laws were legal.

What did the supreme court case of Munn v. Illinois decide?

The Granger laws were legal -Apex

What What was the subject of the Granger Laws?


What is the significance of Granger laws?

suck my pesch

The Granger Laws tried to regulate which industry?


How did the granger laws help farmers?

The Granger laws were a series of laws passed in western states of the United States after the American Civil War to regulate grain elevator and railroad freight rates and rebates and to address long- and short-haul discrimination and other railroad abuses against farmers . The laws were passed a great deal in part to the Populist group. When several Granger laws were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, the federal Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was passed to secure the same reforms. The Granger laws were so called because they were passed in response to the Granger movement. The granger laws were started by the Farmers' Alliances that brought about anti-Railroad pools and rebates. It was an intensely debated issue within the United States. Granger Laws were the deciding point of two very important court cases in the late 19th century, Munn v. Illinois and Wabash v. Illinois.

What was a result granger laws?

A+LS Establishmen of the interstate commerce commission

The supreme court case of munn v Illinois decided that?

the granger laws were legal

When did lllinois pass the first granger law?

The first granger law was passed in the 1860s. These laws were there to regulate the increase in fare prices of railroad and grain elevator companies after the Civil War.

Does Hermione Granger like Ginny Weasley as a friend?

Yes. They become in-laws when Hermione Granger marries Ron Weasley.

When state governments passed Granger laws?

railroads protested that only the federal government, not states, could regulate railroads

Where is the Granger Library in Granger located?

The address of the Granger Library is: 508 Sunnyside Ave, Granger, 98932 0580