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Well They All Come From Different Years

Spongebob Is 22 Years Old Born In 1986

correction Patrick is 24 two years older than SpongeBob

Squidward Is 28 Years Old Born In 1982

Mr.Krabs Is 68 years old

Mrs.Puff Is 55 Years Old Born In 1954

Sandy Cheeks Is 22 Years Old Born In 1986

Plankton Is 68 Years Old (Born On The Same Date As Mr.Krabs November 3rd 1942)

Pearl Is 17 Years Old ( No One Knows If Mrs. Krabs Apoted Pearl Or It Mr.Krabs Had Realtion With A Sperm Whale)

Gary The Snail Is 20 Years Old

Mermaid Man Is 76 Years Old Born In 1933 And Barnacle Boy Is 70 Years Old Born In 1939

Larry The Lobster Is 24 Years Old Lobster Don't Live Long

well that's it M&B Are The oldest and Patrick is the oldest out of the main crew

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Depending on what the current month & year is at the time someone reads this answer, use basic math skills to determine their ages.

Seth MacFarlane | Born October 26, 1973

Alex Borstein | Born February 15, 1973

Seth Green | Born February 8, 1974

Mila Kunis | Born August 14, 1983

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โˆ™ 8y ago

Peter | 43 (unofficially he's 45 since he's 2 years older than Lois but his last stated age is 43)

Lois | 43 (as stated in Lois Comes Out of Her Shell)

Chris | 14 (as stated in Trading Places)

Meg | 18 (as stated in Meg & Quagmire)

Stewie | 1 (it should be noted he was seen celebrating another birthday in a flashback, so he's unofficially 2, but his stated age w/in the show is still 1)

Brian | 8 (as stated in Hannah Banana)

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โˆ™ 8y ago

Since she's a character in an animated show, the real answer is "however old she needs to be for the current gag".

Unlike Stewie, who seems permanently stuck at 1 or so barring time shenanigans, Meg's age is a reasonably consistent progression from 15 (early episodes) to 18 (later seasons).

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โˆ™ 15y ago

Peter: 42
Lois: 40
Meg: 16
Chris: 13
Brian: 7
Stewie: 1

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