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Q: What were the names of the four horses on Ben Hur's chariot?
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Does Hades have a chariot?

Hades' chariot is black, and drawn by four coal black horses. He does indeed have one.

What are the Names of horses of Krishna chariot?

The names of Lord Krishna's chariot horses are: Saibya, Meghapuspa, Balahaka, and Sugriva Reference: Bhagavat Purana 10.53.5

How many horses were in shri Krishna's chariot in mahabharat?

There were four horses in Shri Krishna's Chariot They were: 1. Balahak, Megh, Shaibya and sugreeva. The Charioter's (Sarathi) name was Daruka.

What do you call the controlling of four horses at full gallop during a chariot race?

4 way more pack

Why was there 4 horses in a chariot race?

Because it is so heavy. and they want it to go quick. Correction. The Roman racing chariots were extremely light and small, with bands of leather used for the flooring to reduce weight. Four horses made for a more exciting race, although there were also races with chariots pulled by two horses. The emperor Nero was said to have driven a chariot with ten horses.

What does chariot means?

Chariots were carts driven by two or four horses. Chariort races were very popular in ancient Greece and Rome.

Pryois is a sun horse of Apollo with which other horses?

Pyrios is associated with other sun horses of Apollo, such as Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon. They are often depicted pulling Apollo's chariot across the sky to represent the rising and setting of the sun.

Who drives Apollo the god's chariot?

In Greek mythology, Apollo's chariot is typically driven by Apollo himself. Apollo is often depicted as riding a chariot pulled by four horses, guiding the sun across the sky each day.

What equipment was needed for chariot races?

The main equipment needed for chariot races was the chariot itself, which consisted of a lightweight, two-wheeled cart with a smooth axle and wooden framework. The chariots were often pulled by two or four horses depending on the race. The charioteers also wore specific gear, including a helmet, a tunic, and sometimes knee guards for protection.

What are the animals of Ares the greek goddess?

Ares is the god of war. Vulture, poisonous serpent, Barn Owl, Eagle Owl and Woodpecker. Flaccus names Ares horses Fear and Dread. Aithon (burning), Phlogeus (bright as fire),Konabos (ringing clashing din, Phobos (panic, flight)....are four immortal horses that breath fire and draw Ares chariot.

What were the names of the four white horses that were owned by the Arab in the movie Ben Hur?

Anteres,Aldeberan,Alteir and Rigal

Latin word for chariot?

It can depend on the number of horses attached to the chariot. Contrary to depictions in dreadful Hollywood movies, the Romans only used chariots in two situations:Four-horse chariots (quadrigae) were used in chariot-races for public entertainment. Two-horse chariots (bigae) were used by triumphal Emperors or generals in their processions through Rome.So:quadriga = a four-horse chariotbiga = a two-horse chariotLatin also has the words currus and curriculum as general terms for chariot.