franike is his brother name
If they were to get married then she would be your sister-in-law.
Junius Kellogg died in 1998.
Daizie Kellogg is 5' 8".
Homer's mothers name is Mona Simpsons. We first learn this in the episode "O' Brother Where Art Thou". Homer also learns he has a Half-Brother in this same episode.
Kellogg, and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, changed breakfast forever when they accidentally flaked wheat berry. W.K. kept experimenting until he flaked corn, and created the delicious recipe for Kellogg's Corn Flakes. 1906 - W.K.
Kellogg, and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, changed breakfast forever when they accidentally flaked wheat berry. W.K. kept experimenting until he flaked corn, and created the delicious recipe for Kellogg's Corn Flakes. 1906 - W.K.
W.K. Kellogg's brother was named Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. He was a physician best known for his work in promoting health and nutrition, as well as for being the co-inventor of corn flakes alongside his brother.
he had a brother named John Harvey Kellogg
Kellogg, and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, changed breakfast forever when they accidentally flaked wheat berry. W.K. kept experimenting until he flaked corn, and created the delicious recipe for Kellogg's Corn Flakes. 1906 - W.K.
John Harvey Kellogg and his brother Will Keith Kellogg.
Bruce Kellogg's birth name is William Bruce Kellogg.
Cecil Kellogg's birth name is Cecil Charles Kellogg.
Christine Kellogg's birth name is Christine Anne Kellogg.
American opera singer Clara Louise Kellogg 1842-1916.
Their corporate name is Kellogg Company.
His first product was, as expected, corn flakes. Lesson #1: Market Your Product as a One of a Kind - Click To Read Article When Kellogg and his brother - Cached - Similar -