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Q: What were john Locke's three natural rights?
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What was john lockes philosophies?

He argued so that people have natural rights.

What influence did john lockes idea on natural rights have on others?

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What are some of john lockes major work?

came up with the idea of natural rights

What were john Locke's arguments used for?

John lockes arguements were used to help humans keep their natural rights.

What was John Locke's ideas?

john Locke believed in natural an unalienable rights that everyone is born with. These rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.philosopher john lockes main ideas were to get people natural rights. rights that we are already born with and noone can't take away from us. the governments job is to protect those rights.

What is the idea of john Locke'?

john Locke believed in natural an unalienable rights that everyone is born with. These rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.philosopher john lockes main ideas were to get people natural rights. rights that we are already born with and noone can't take away from us. the governments job is to protect those rights.

What did lockes ideas suggest about people?

john Locke's philosophy suggested that people have natural rights that operate independently of government laws or fiats.

What was Locke's ideas?

john Locke believed in natural an unalienable rights that everyone is born with. These rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.philosopher john lockes main ideas were to get people natural rights. rights that we are already born with and noone can't take away from us. the governments job is to protect those rights.

John lockes philosophy was?

human beings derive their rights from nature

What are john lockes natural rights?

John Locke's natural rights, as proposed in his philosophy, include the right to life, liberty, and property. These rights are seen as inherent to all individuals and are not granted by any government or authority. Locke believed that governments exist to protect these natural rights, and individuals have the right to resist or overthrow a government that fails to do so.

What were John Lockes natural rights ideas?

John Locke's natural rights ideas revolved around the belief that individuals have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property. He argued that these rights are unalienable and come from being human, not from governments or rulers. Locke believed that the purpose of government is to protect these natural rights, and individuals have the right to revolt against oppressive governments that fail to do so.

How might john lockes ideas about natural rights lead to revolution?

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