Book version: "What will happen to your children when I've killed you? When Mummy's gone the same way as Freddie?"
Movie version: "No! No, come back! Lucius! Come back! Come back and fight! Come back!"
Bellatrix Lestrange's maiden name is Black. If you are talking about who potrayed her in the movies, her name is Helena Bonham Carter.
Hermione uses one of Bellatrix's hair that fell onto her coat when they were torturing her at the Mallfoy's house.
Narcissa Malfoy is older than Bellatrix Lestrange. Narcissa was born into the Black family and is the younger sister of Bellatrix. Bellatrix was born in 1951, while Narcissa was born sometime before that, making her the older of the two sisters.
Hermione was tortured in Malfoy Manor by Bellatrix Lestrnge for several reasons. One: Bellatrix wanted to know how they had the Sword of Godric Gryffindor that was supposed to be locked up in her vault at Gringotts. Two: She was a mudblood, so she was the one chosen to be tortured for answers.
Yes, Bellatrix is Draco's aunt. His mother, Narcissa, is her sister. Narcissa and Bellatrix (along with their other sister Andromeda) are part of the Black family and were Sirius Black's first cousins.
Probably Crucio or Avada Kedvra.
Perhaps the three Lestranges: Rabastan, Rodolphus and his wife Bellatrix.
Barty Crouch Junior and the three Lestranges (Bellatrix, Rodolohus, Rabastan).
Because as a boy, tom riddle stole the cup from a "close friend", and put it in bellatrix's vault to keep it safe
The real Bellatrix Lestrange never really broke into Gringotts. Hermione used the Polyjuice potion because she was suspicious about the way Bellatrix was behaving in the Malfoy Manor because when she asked Hermione where she had got the Godric's sword she was really worried. They thought there might be a Hocrux in Bellatrix's vault, and there was. THIS TELLS NOTHING ABOUT HER WAND!
Bellatrix Lestrange. She is the sister of Draco Malfoy's mum. Bellatrix is evil I hate her.
Bellatrix is in the constellation of Orion.
yes bellatrix dies at the end of the novel
It is found in the Lestranges' Gringotts vault.
You want to spoil it? Ok... Neville's mum and dad were attacked by Bellatrix Lestrange, and were driven crazy by the Cruciatus Curse.
I don't know where you heard that they were dead, but they're not. They were tortured into insanity by the Lestranges and Barty Croutch jr, and now reside in St. Mungos.