Although his EXACT and whole results have not be confirmed or stated, if we use the information we do have, we can put the pieces together to figure out the puzzle. The highest marks he achieved were "E"'s (Exeeds Expectations) - Potions, Transfiguration, and DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts). He did not receive an "O" (Outstanding) in any of his subjects - O is the highest mark you can receive for the OWL. He did receive two failing marks in Divination and History of Magic. I'm not sure if he received Poor, Dreadful, or Troll, the latter seeming unlikely since it's mentioned it's extremely rare to receive one. This leaves only Herbology, Charms, Astronomy, and Cares of Magical Creatures. Although these grades were never stated, it's most likely he received an A (Acceptable) in these courses.
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Hermione achieved high academic prestige when she obtained ten O.W.L.'s in...
1. Charms,
2. Defence Aganst the Dark Arts,
3. Transfiguration,
4. Care of Magical Creatures,
5. Arithmancy,
6. History of Magic,
7. Herbology,
8. Astronomy,
9. Potions
10. Ancient Runes
She received 'Outstanding' marks on each of them, except Defence Against the Dark Arts, in which she received an 'Exceeds Expectations,' which she dwelt upon; Ron found it amusing that she actually seemed disappointed by this.
Hermione's OWL results were received in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Ancient Runes: O
Arithmancy: O
Astronomy O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
O - Outstanding
E - Exceeds Expectations
It was known that Hermione dropped Divination and Muggle Studies. She passes all her Owls. So she received 10 over all. We have been told she got 9 Outstandings and 1 Exceeds Expectations. However, she did storm out of Divination in her 3rd and it was never written down that she came back. There are rumours that she dropped or never took Muggle Studies but we don't know.
By the time she was 37 Hermione Granger had achieved the following:
Ginny Weasley does have red hair just like all of her siblings. The only Weasley without orange hair is hermione.
Arthur and Molly Weasley have seven children. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.
Ron - Rupert Grint Ginny - Bonnie Wright Fred - James Phelps George - Oliver Phelps Molly (mom) - Julie Walters Arthur (dad) - Mark Williams Bill - Domhnall Gleeson Percy - Chris Rankin Charlie - Alex Crockford
In Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban the Weasleys go to Egypt after winning money from a lotto.
Mark Williams
I think it was the Weasley family owl or it was Percy weasleys owl..i cant remember which
The subject is not addressed in any of the books. One may presume that in "Chamber of Secrets", Ginny probably doesn't need a bra, since she is only 11.
Ginny Weasley does have red hair just like all of her siblings. The only Weasley without orange hair is hermione.
Arnold the pgymy puff she buys in in Fred and Georges shop
Ginny buys a Pygmy Puff (a small, fluffy pink magical creature) from Fred and George's shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
GINNY Weasleys job is a professional female quittige player, mother of Harrys 3 children and writer for Lunas fathers newspaper, the Quibbler
Arthur and Molly Weasley have seven children. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.
Pigwedeon. But it was too late for that name because Ginny already said 'Pig' and the owl got that already.
Ron Weasley's owl is named Pigwidgeon, or Pig for short.
Ron - Rupert Grint Ginny - Bonnie Wright Fred - James Phelps George - Oliver Phelps Molly (mom) - Julie Walters Arthur (dad) - Mark Williams Bill - Domhnall Gleeson Percy - Chris Rankin Charlie - Alex Crockford
I should imagine that they make a replica of Harry Potter's blackthorn wand and maybe Ginny Weasleys and the Elder Wand probably.