Michael Weston is a character on the show Burn Notice. He is played by Jeffrey Donovan, and wears a watch called a Chase-Durer Special Forces 1000.
Michael Westen wears a Chase Durer Special Forces UDT 1000xl.
Jeffrey Donovan plays Michael Westen in Burn Notice.
Sig Sauer p-228
Michael Westen uses a Motorola V3 Razr.
947 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL is the exterior shots for the house used in Burn Notice which is the location of Michael Westen's mother's house (Maddie). It's just a few blocks away from the exterior location for Michael Westen's loft which is at 528 NW 7 AVE, Miami, FL.
Michael Westen wears a Chase Durer Special Forces UDT 1000xl.
Michael Westen was created in 2007.
Michael Westen is portrayed by Jeffrey Donovan on 'Burn Notice'.
Jeffrey Donovan plays Michael Westen in Burn Notice.
Michael Westen's loft in the TV show "Burn Notice" is located in Miami, Florida. It is portrayed as being in Coconut Grove, a neighborhood known for its artsy vibe and waterfront views.
Michael Westen played by Jeffrey Donovan
Sig Sauer p-228
Dude loves yogurt...
Michael Westen uses a Motorola V3 Razr.
Michael Westen was born on January 7, 1967.
947 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL is the exterior shots for the house used in Burn Notice which is the location of Michael Westen's mother's house (Maddie). It's just a few blocks away from the exterior location for Michael Westen's loft which is at 528 NW 7 AVE, Miami, FL.
Al Westen's birth name is Alfred Westen.