Sorry we do not know what you mean by "relegion", this is not an English word. Also there is no such person as hector "hughh" munro.
Hector Hugh Munro's birth name is Hector Hugh Munro.
Saki was born on December 18 1870, in the united kingdom
Stan munro is on facebook under Stan munro davies
Hector Munro Chadwick was born in 1870.
Hector Munro Chadwick died in 1947.
Hector Munro Macdonald died in 1935.
Hector William Munro died in 1821.
The nickname of hector Hugh munro is saki
Hector Hugh Munro's birth name is Hector Hugh Munro.
'Hector Hugh Munro', popularly known as 'Saki'...
Hector Hugh Munro.
"Saki" (Hector Hugh Munro) .
Hector Hugh Munro, also known as Saki, became a professional writer after serving as a foreign correspondent in various countries for newspapers. He started writing short stories and gained popularity for his wit and satire, eventually transitioning into a successful full-time writing career.
The real name of the British writer Saki was Hector Hugh Munro. He was sometimes also referred to as H.H. Munro. He wrote many short stories and novels during his career.