"Heh. Do you prefer the blue jacket from the first series, or Castle Cagliostro?"
This quote originally came from the film Citizen Kane. The quote was said by the character Charles Foster Kane.
This quote came from the film White Heat. The quote was said by the character Arthur 'Cody' Jarrett.
This quote came from the film Sunset Boulevard. The quote was said by the character Norma Desmond.
Which American poet does quote in his speech?
a quote writer
lupin lay peacefully with tonks, as though they were asleep.
A quote reference, often abbreviated as "quote ref," is a specific identifier or code assigned to a particular quotation within a document or text. It helps readers easily locate and cross-reference the exact quote being referenced for accuracy and context.
The Wuthering Heights reference quote, in the book Eclipse is on page 611.
Julius Caesar had a plaquard in his triumph with the quote. It was in reference to his quick victory in the battle of Zela.
After some research, I discovered that this artist is still living. Have you tried emailing him? He has a website and the results might surprise you. From the published reports, it would appear that this quote is an interview quote, not a published type quote.
bartlestts familiar quatation
The quote you're referring to is: "The Irish are a fair people: They never speak well of one another." This quote by Oscar Wilde is often interpreted as a commentary on the Irish tendency towards self-deprecation and cynicism.
You can reference the author by mentioning their name and the book where the quote appears. For example, "(Author's Name, as cited in Book Title)." This helps to acknowledge the original source of the quote while indicating that you found it in a different work.
A direct quote is a quote that you take from another source. You must put this in quotation marks and give a reference in parenthesis after the quote. An indirect quote is when somebody else's idea or data is taken and paraphrased. For this, quotation marks are not needed, but it still needs to be cited.
Yes, you can place a quote I'm pretty sure though you will need to reference it so any readers will know where you got it from and who said it. I'm not sure about a picture. You probably can but once again you'll need to reference where you found it.
In basic English it means you pulled his jacket open and bared his throat to be cut.