"Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright)" by Rod Stewart was the number 1 hit song on December 28, 1976.
"Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis Presley was the number 1 hit song on December 17, 1957.
June in January - Bing Crosby
The number one song on December 1, 1969 was "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam.
525600 is in reference to the number of minutes in a year. The musical RENT, where the song "Seasons of Love" comes from, is set over the course of one year (December 24 - December 24 of the next year). In the song, the characters reflect over the events of their year and what they've learned, loved, and lost during it.
Rocky 1976Rocky II 1979Rocky III 1982Rocky IV 1985Rocky V 1990Rocky Balboa 2006
"Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright)" by Rod Stewart.
The number one song on December 16, 1939 was "Scatter-Brain" by Frankie Masters.
"Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis Presley was the number 1 hit song on December 17, 1957.
Are You Lonesome Tonight?, Elvis Presley
"Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam was the number 1 hit song on December 7, 1969.
June in January - Bing Crosby
Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (April 5, 1976)
currently it is last December
what was in the number one song in Austrlia on 7th March 2008
The song that was number one on June 23, 1976 in the United States was Silly Love Songs by Wings.
Disco Lady by Johnnie Taylor