Jack Godfrey's real first name is John
well obviously joe, kevin, and nick. backup band: -greg garbowsky (garbo) -john taylor -ryan leistmen(sp) -jack lawless (flawless lawless)
No, his real name is actually Jack E. Strify. He wont tell anyone what the E stands for though AmandaBizarre: Jack E Strify is his stage name given to him by the other members of the band. Jack comes from his love of The Nightmare Before Christmas. And Strify is a character from Final Fantasy.
The shirt is called 'Draco Rex', it is seen when the duo perform 'Classico' at the start of the film ''Tenacious D in: The Pick Of Destiny''. Jack Black also wore the shirt at the Marlay Park, Leeds and Reading Festivals in 2008.
Jack Howell's birth name is Jack Robert Howell.
Jack Black is in a band called Tenatious D, and in my opinion its amazing. Tenatious D has produced the songs Tribute and Wonderboy and Classico.
jack black played Dewey Finn in school of rock.
Jack Sullivan
Dewie Finn.
i think it was sarah, but iam not sure.
Jack the Lad Swing
Jack Bruce
Jack Godfrey's real first name is John
nooooooooooooooooooooooo their band name is after the murder scene of Jack the Ripper. of course its not christian, man
It is a district in England where jack the ripper was from. later the band Whitechapel used it as a name.
Their black kit
Marty Grace Paul Jorma Jack Spencer