Her sons name was Edward. He became King Edward VI after his father Henry VIII died
Jane Gaskell's birth name is Jane Denvil Gaskell Lynch.
Jane Leigh Connelly's birth name is Jane Leigh Connelly.
Jane Wyman died on September 10, 2007 at the age of 90.
Jane Pratt's birth name is Jane Elizabeth Pratt.
Topsy Jane's birth name is Topsy Jane Legge.
Jane Seymours mothers name was Margary Wentworth, who married Sir John Seymour.
Edward the sixth was Jane Seymore's son
Edward - who became Edward the Sixth
That would be Edward, later Edward VI.
1537, Edward VI
Julie Seymours maiden name was Dawson
Edward vii
Dame Jane Morris Goodall
Jane Gaskell's birth name is Jane Denvil Gaskell Lynch.
Jane Hawking was born Beryl Jane Wilde, daughter of George and Beryl (Eagleton) Wilde.
Jane Pauley's birth name is Pauley, Margaret Jane.
Jane Leigh Connelly's birth name is Jane Leigh Connelly.