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The movie I think you're thinking about is called 'Simon Birch'.

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Q: What was the movie about a school bus accident in cold weather?
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What caused the desaster happened at space shuttle accident in january1986?

A brittle seal ... caused by cold weather.

How do you know if school is closed due to very cold weather in the US?

School closings due to unseasonable bitterly cold weather in the United States are treated the same as closings due to snow and other weather related closings. They will be posted on local television stations and announced on radio from time to time. They may also be posted on your school's website.

What is Uranus weather?

Uranus's weather is cold

What has the author George Truman Palmer written?

George Truman Palmer has written: 'Ventilation, weather and the common cold' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Heating and ventilation, Weather, Cold (Disease), School buildings, Physiological effect, Health and hygiene, School children

Which is correct cold or cold weather?

"Cold weather" is correct. "Cold" is an adjective used to describe the type of weather.

What might be cancelled because of cold weather?

Outdoor events, flights, and public transportation services may be cancelled or delayed due to cold weather conditions. Additionally, school or work may be cancelled if temperatures are dangerously low.

Is it better to get the cold in hot or cold weather?

Hot weather

Do you experience cold weather?

Yes, you experience or feel cold weather

Can a chihuahua survive cold weather?

Yes they can survive in cold weather.

Can salamander die in cold or hot weather?

Hot Weather.

How do you protect from cold and flu?

from not going in out in cold weather and not drinking cold drinks from not going in out in cold weather and not drinking cold drinks

How does a Bird it protect itself from cold weather?

Bird's feathers act as insulators against the cold. They often survive cold weather by finding a protected area out of the cold weather.