The duration of The Cassidys - TV series - is 1800.0 seconds.
His real name was Leo Carrillo Jr.
Duncan Renaldo Starred in the 1950s TV series "The Cisco Kid". DOB 4/23/04 Died 09/03/1980 (Age 76, Cancer). Leo Carillo Played Poncho, the mischievous sidekick, in the TV series "The Cisco Kid" DOB 08/06/1881 Died 08/10/1961 (age 80, Cancer). The Cisco Kid stars Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Leo Carillo as his faithful sidekick and comic foil, Pancho. One of the first television programs to be filmed in color, this classic Western ran from 1950-1956. Set in 1890's New Mexico, Cisco and Pancho fight corruption and seek justice for the victims of bandits, con men and cattle rustlers. With a combination of humor and compassion for their fellow man, Cisco and Pancho have become legendary to television viewers everywhere. In 1980, Renaldo received a Special Lifetime Achievement Award from Nosotros, which honored him for 'providing a positive Hispanic role model for Americans,' and called The Cisco Kid 'a perennial television favorite.' Lars, Chittenengo, NY
The Cisco Kid refers to a character found in numerous film, radio, television and comic book series based on the fictional Western character created by O. Henry in his 1907 short story "The Caballero's Way", published in the collection Heart of the West. In movies and television, the Kid was depicted as a heroic Mexican caballero, even though he was originally a cruel outlaw.
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The Cisco Kid - TV series - was created on 1950-09-05.
The Cisco Kid - TV series - ended on 1956-03-22.
The duration of The Cassidys - TV series - is 1800.0 seconds.
His real name was Leo Carrillo Jr.
The duration of Lucky Cisco Kid is 1.12 hours.
There have been many movies with the Cisco Kid. The Cisco Kid movie from 1994 with Jimmy Smits was an update of the original Cisco Kid. It was about the Cisco Kid and his sidekick Pancho riding around Mexico and dealing with injustice. They eventually spur peasants on to remove the French imperials lording over them.
Cisco Reyes goes by The Cisco Kid.
Lucky Cisco Kid was created on 1940-06-23.
William R. Dunn was the first to play the role of Cisco Kid in 1914 but Cesar Romero (The Joker in the 1966-1968 Batman TV series with Adam West.) is probably the best well known .
The Cisco Kid - 1950 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved
The Cisco Kid - 1950 Cisco and the Tappers 6-6 was released on: USA: 3 November 1955
The Cisco Kid - 1950 Cisco and the Giant 5-22 was released on: USA: 17 February 1955