Fly away buzzard, fly away crow, way down south where the winds don't blow. Rub your nose and give two winks and save us from this awful jinx.
Well I don't know the exact time or date or anything but I know what happened. Barney was singing the Happy Birthday song and said, "Sing after me, kids!" Then the cord on the lighting broke and Barney said $|-|1T and all the kids looked confused but repeated the sentence, so Barney got kicked off......Well that's OK because BARNEY SUCKS!!!!!
No he didn't, I have watched the video millions of times and he said 'On t'floor' as he is a Northerner. I can promise you, he definitely didn't. :)
An episode of the Flinstones where Fred forgot Wilma's birthday. Fred had Barney stop at the bakery to pick up a cake and there were only two left: "Happy Bar Mitzvah George" and "Bon Voyage Sam and Stella". Barney picked the latter one.
Barney, as you probably realize, is a costume. Costumes cannot be arrested, although they can be impounded. Barney is not actually played by a single person. There are several people donning the big purple outfit. They are: * David Joyner * Bob West * Tim Dever * Duncan Brannan * Carey Stinson * Dean Wendt * Patrick McAlister * Rick Starkweather
She is believed to have started in 2002 when she was 7, playing Gianna in Barney & Friends. she was in barney and friends in 1992, but she did star in a role in 2001 called "Gianna" which is where she was allegedly said to have realized her talent in acting according to a mini bio. one can find on or simply typing in Selena Gomez on Google.
Barney Fife
The famous quote 'Nip it in the bud! You got to nip it in the bud!' was said by Deputy Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show. Barney Fife was played by actor Don Knotts.
The phrase "That's a can do boss" was said by the character Barney Fife in the television show "The Andy Griffith Show." Barney Fife was portrayed by actor Don Knotts.
Lady Macbeth
the other barney said a bad word
no happy!
yes he did and he said the sh word
because barney said so
Barney is currently hiding from the Carebears.
He drank achocl on set and hid drugs in his tail
troll troll
Nancy told Barney not to waste time.