The cast of Legend of Billy Fail - 2009 includes: Perry Ankoe as Zave Peggs as herself Phil Bashaw as Lawyer Heather Brooker as Alice Joe Cappa as Bank Robber Celeste Cash as Baby Sitter Kevin Clark Rodin as Grandfather Bryce Davis as Billy Fail Sloan Davis as Levon Susan Dergoul as Bank Teller Philippe Garmy as Prelate James Hefner as Daly David Iandiorio as City Planner Emilee Kyle as Lila Chase Leapline as Doak Nathan Levit as Kid 7 Oswaldo Olmos as Soccer Boy John Pruner as Deputy Kricket Rhodes as Manon Rusty Snell as Get Away Driver Jeff Van Hanken as Builder Jaunita Williamson as Bank Customer Gus Yar as Toddler
no they never mentioned it
ChaCha's last name is DiGregorio.
greased lightening
Eve Arden.
The Malt Shop?
Malt shop
bite the wienie
grease lighting
Wendy and Me - 1964 Belle of the Malt Shop 1-12 was released on: USA: 30 November 1964
Schlitz malt liquor
The cast of Legend of Billy Fail - 2009 includes: Perry Ankoe as Zave Peggs as herself Phil Bashaw as Lawyer Heather Brooker as Alice Joe Cappa as Bank Robber Celeste Cash as Baby Sitter Kevin Clark Rodin as Grandfather Bryce Davis as Billy Fail Sloan Davis as Levon Susan Dergoul as Bank Teller Philippe Garmy as Prelate James Hefner as Daly David Iandiorio as City Planner Emilee Kyle as Lila Chase Leapline as Doak Nathan Levit as Kid 7 Oswaldo Olmos as Soccer Boy John Pruner as Deputy Kricket Rhodes as Manon Rusty Snell as Get Away Driver Jeff Van Hanken as Builder Jaunita Williamson as Bank Customer Gus Yar as Toddler
The scientific name for malt flavoring is typically "malt extract." It is a concentrated syrup made from malted barley that is commonly used in baking and brewing to add a rich, malty taste to products.
It depends what root beer you drink to be honest.
Yes, The movie's name is Grease!
Grease Grease
It's NOT grease! It's lanolin