"Ignorance is the night of the mind. A night without moon or star."
Michael never said why he was nicknamed applehead.
Human Nature
He is Black.Michael said it himself that Blanket's mother is Black.
Michael Jackson favorite game was a car game.He said this in his interview with Martin Bashir.In Las Vegas.
Michael Jackson's kids did call him dad.in fact Michael Jackson did not let his kids call him michael.because when Michael Jackson was growing up his father did not let him call him dad or daddy. Joesph said "i am Joesph to you".which is the reason why he is so strict on that so called rule.michael stated that he wanted to call him dad so bad .
Michael Jackson said this.
No. michael jackson thought of everything in his world being bigger,better, and extraordinary. he said himself "I want more money than anyone else." thats a direct quote.
we said " j'aime la musique de Michael Jackson"
No! Michael Jackson said :" i want to live forever" theres ur answer
Michael Jackson said those words in a 2008 Christmas Speech.
Michael never said why he was nicknamed applehead.
Michael Jackson's favorite city was Las Vegas because of the entertainment he once said
no Michael said his brothers were his friends growing up
he never said
Nobody with any credibility.
No, he always said he was straight.
Human Nature