The Bandit's route in Smokey and the Bandit was from Atlanta, GA to Texarkana, TX. Bandit states in the movie that it is a 900 mile destination.
In the movie An Affair to Remember (1957), the characters are on the transatlantic ocean liner SS Constitution en route from Europe to New York.
Some parts of the movie on the lake were film on bass lake ca one hr north of Fresno on hwy 41 to route 222 you can view the website on
Route 66 - 1960 Who Will Cheer My Bonnie Bride - 3.29 was released on: USA: 10 May 1963
it was Indian territory.
it's a lie your not even sipose to get on this website people tell do whats best and go ask a friend or family.
Go to Robina's area, right one, up one, then right again.
No, it was the worse way to get things to Europe. It was dangerous, had bandits, depending on the weather the route could be impassable.
route 66
June 9th, 2006 is the date when the original Disney movie Cars came out.
Route 66
"Catch you on the flip side" was 70's/80's Citizen Band Radio (CB) Jargon, so trying to figure out when it came into movie/TV use will be almost impossible, some possibilities from that era could be "White Line Fever", "Movin' On" , "Smoky and the Bandit" etc. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Here it is - this phrase was truck driver speak for I'll talk at you the next time we pass on the road. This may or may not ever happen because very seldom would they ever encounter again unless they had a routine route. It was also a way to say 'Thank you' for info about smokey or traffic conditions.
Route 666.
To get to Fuschia City you must travel down the Cycle Route (Route 17/18) via Celadon.
The Sahara desert, bandits, the sun, sand storms, the heat, dehydration, your camel dieing, ets.. Come on, you can think of some yourself.
County line
The Route - 2009 was released on: USA: 17 October 2009 (Campus Movie Fest) USA: 14 November 2009 (San Francisco, California)