the year the first alien vs predator film came out in 2004 .
You may be referring to Dennis Quaid in "Enemy Mine".
I think your talking about the movie Osmosis, because the bad guy is a virus, and the blue alien is an osmosis. All this relate to, with the cells inside your body.
Nothing, because no such movie exists. No one is making a third AVP crossover movie.
No!, Eminem is not an alien..
It's been popular enough for DisneyXD to order a thrid season, but it does not seem to be very well known outside DisneyXD.
there is a movie called alien abduction: The McPhersons tape that is a movie about a family who got fotage of an alien
theres alien: resurrection
H.R. Giger.
the movie is called alien vs. predator
everyone was an alien.
Alien is a movie franchise that has given us the movies "Alien," "Aliens," "Alien 3," and "Alien Resurrection." In 2012 it was announced that an Alien 5 was in production, but would not be released until late 2014 at the earliest.
The movie Alien directed by Ridley Scott.
Zeke and Luther shown on Disneyxd, is suitable for the tween and teen groups. Both girls and boys enjoy this show. They have videos, snippets and games on the Disneyxd website.
because alien aren't as popular